Delivering powerful media & marketing solutions
Put your product, service or event in front of 33,000+ Sassy Thrifters visitors!
Are you looking for an advertising and marketing outlet? Want to advertise on one of the premier thrifting sites on the ‘net? Sassy Thrifters offers 33,000+ members an affordable way to promote their products, services or events via website and newsletter advertisement. You’ll find resources for thrifting as well as tips, tricks, and articles to wellness. That means a full-page ad costs roughly $.001 cents per home!
We promote a frugal yet quality life style that not only includes fashion & home décor, but overall wellness.
Some quick details of our ongoing survey:
20% of users are between 25-34
30% are between 35-44
21% are between 45-54
10% are between 55-64
5% are 65+
90% are female
20,000+ unique to the Chicago land area
Special features or product or specialty advertisement will be negotiated on a per month basis.
Our subscriber list contains college students, stay at home moms, home workers, entrepreneurs, business professionals, industry contacts and the savvy community! We try to provide newsworthy community information along with anything pertaining to the love of THRIFTING!
Advertising is available on a first come basis:
Website – Rates are monthly
Sassy Newsletter – Rates are monthly
Weekly Community Sassy Guide – Rates are weekly

Newsletter-Classified Ad
​$15 for #1 (monthly)
3″ w x 3″ h (4 lines, text only)​

Newsletter - Sidebar Ad
​$25 for #1 (monthly)
2″ w x 6″ h

Newsletter - Bottom Ad
​$25 for #1 (monthly)
20″ w x 2″ h

Website - Bottom Horizontal Ad
20″ w x 2″ h

Website - Square Ad
(300p w x 300p h)

Website-Side Vertical Ad​
2″ w x 6″ h

Fleek Market Sponsor
​$50 per event
Brand Exposure on Fleek Market flyers advertising you or your business name (i.e. “Sponsored in part by…”) PLUS hourly mentions by MC at event

Community Sassy Guide Eblast
4″ w x 6″ h (minimum)

1-on-1 Conf. Call w/Founder Tameka Thompson
​$25/1 hr
Assess how you can leverage the Sassy Thrifter network for you and your brand!

Business Directory Listing
Business Card Size on website
PLEASE NOTE: Sassy Thrifters reserves the right to reject and not publish ads that are not suitable to the content or viewership of our newsletter. Hyperlinks or re-directs for the ad will be included.
The beginning of each month, with special issues at various times during the year, the newsletters will be distributed via email. In the event of a special issue, it will be deemed to be a separate newsletter and advertising will be available for that newsletter. Artwork — as well as payment — must be received by the 15th of every month for inclusion in the following months upcoming newsletter.
This guide will be released on Monday’s sharing community resources, businesses and events only. Artwork — as well as payment — must be received one week prior no later than Wednesday’s for inclusion in the following weeks guide ARTWORK: Electronic versions of ads or graphics used (JPG, BMP, EPS or GIF) are acceptable if at 300 dpi resolution and should be emailed to:
Sassy Thrifters reserves the right to reject advertisers who offer services that directly compete with those offered by Sassy Thrifters. All ad copy must be approved by Sassy Thrifters. No political ads will be accepted under any circumstances.
All advertisement will run from the beginning of the month to the last day of the month (30/31 days). Ad copy for the newsletter or website must be received at least two weeks before the beginning of the new month. Advertising fees are due at the time of advertisement submission.
You can make payment either online or by certified check or money order. Details will be given on invoice. To pay for multiple ads for discount pricing, please contact us for invoicing.
Volume and newsletter/website combination insertions are all subject to a discount.
#3 months: 10% #6+ months: 15%